I would like to invite you on an adventure. You will be supported to set goals and map out your route. You will be asked to notice new things, think in different ways and achieve ends you thought unachievable.
Like all adventures there will be scary moments, rotten moments and moments when you wished you’d never set out on this journey. However, it is also true that you will look back upon your transformation as positive, happy and joyous.
I’d like to acknowledge Belinda Kirk’s ‘The Adventure Revolution’ that has stimulated me to update my website and given me the language to better describe me, the work I do and how you might like support on your own adventure.
My style is often fun and characterised by laughter and joy. Humour is very important for cutting through complexity.
My coaching is described as personable and conversational. This allows insights to take hold.
I will bring my wealth of experience, perspective and challenge to each coaching session. Are you ready to catch the ball?
I have always been curious, especially about the contradictory or affirmative interplay between people’s thoughts and their actions. This has led to ongoing study and questioning of how people think. Most recently this has included neuroscience and especially the links between emotion, conscious thought and memory.
Much of my working life has focused on relationships. As a leader and networker relationships with colleagues and stakeholders have been key to achievement and success. Forming a connection, working a room or holding people at the point of significant change has nearly always been of great interest to me. These interests, innate self-knowledge and intuitive skills led me to study coaching. I wanted to learn the skills to structure my thinking so that I could give back more effectively.
If you believe you are ready for a challenge,
and you believe that coaching will help you change,
then contact me to discuss
The initial coaching session is the starting point. This session is always free and is an
opportunity to get to know one another, to understand coaching better and to identify aspects that can be worked on and changed. This focused session can take between one and two hours. At the end of the session directions and possibilities for your bespoke coaching offer will be refined and further sessions can be agreed.
Future sessions will focus on clarification and stretching of intentions or goals, creating road maps and working on development areas identified at the beginning of coaching or during the progression. This can include undoing of knots, stretching further or realigning end points according to changed projections. All this is done in a non judgemental, curious and supportive environment of questioning and insight.
I have coached people from a very wide range of backgrounds including leaders, entrepreneurs and creatives.
I understand that every path is unique and with its own unique twists and turns. Feel free to message with any questions.
Your time is valuable, and I will make sure to get back to you as soon as possible.